Just In Read and React: Ronnie O’Sullivan – ‘he’s a strong player, he fancies the job’…….

Aaron Slope kept a 4-2 triumph over Imprint Selby in the Welsh Open on Wednesday – procuring high commendation from Ronnie O’Sullivan.

The Rocket has previously stood out as truly newsworthy this week for his brutal appraisal of lower-positioned player John Astley.

O’Sullivan was furiously disparaging of his kindred British chap following Astley’s 4-2 loss to Check Williams prior in the week.

“You must have a decent strategy or a snooker cerebrum, and in the event that you have not one or the other, perhaps now is the right time to find another thing to do,” the world number one said.

In any case, O’Sullivan was a lot kinder in his evaluation of Ireland’s Slope, who won from a low-scoring issue with Selby to arrive at the last 32 in Llandudno.

“He played all around well,” Ronnie O’Sullivan, who picked to skirt the current week’s activity at the Scene Cymru, said on Eurosport.

I’ve played him before, and he’s a strong player. He raises a ruckus around town all around well, he likes the work.”

“He strolls around the table like I’m here to win. That places a tad of uncertainty in your rival’s head straight away.

“Mark wasn’t incredible today, he was a gnawed off structure. In any case, you’ve actually got to pot the balls and do the business.

I believe he plays the right shots naturally. With the yellow, he punched it in, (and) the blue, he punched it in.


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