Good News: Tobias Harris leaving Dallas Mav next season for…..

Good News: Tobias Harris leaving Dallas Mav next season for…..

The Detroit Pistons signed free-agent Tobias Harris to a two-year deal yesterday, making their first big splash in free agency in years.

The move drew mixed reviews from fans, though most were positive about the idea of a consistent veteran scorer on a short-term deal.

I am one of them, as I don’t think there were free agents lined up to go to Detroit, Harris fills a big need for a floor-spacing power forward and the deal won’t hurt the Pistons at all.

Of course, there were fans who weren’t satisfied with the move and bemoaned every free agent that the Pistons didn’t sign, citing Harris as an over-the-hill, overpaid band-aid who had a rough playoffs last season.

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