Good News: Edmonton Oilers Christmas Wish List full of most……..

After consecutive third-period rebounds in New Jersey and New York that held the Edmonton Oilers back from dropping out of the season finisher picture — a nine-point shortage could have been lethal — it really is a Happy holidays on the hockey front.

Whether the Oilers can keep up with their positive progress after the break is not yet clear, so we should simply say a Cheerful New Year is a perhaps.
Meanwhile, a little occasion gift-providing is all together, so here is a list of things to get for a portion of the Oilers and then some:

Stuart Skinner: A little credit. He had a horrendous beginning that sewered his numbers, yet he’s 8-2 in his last 10 games with a .912 save rate. When he’s at his best, he’s a good middle-of-the-pack goalie despite not being an elite game-changer. That ought to suffice on a team with a strong defense and a potent offense.

Evan Bouchard: A lifetime supply of sound Mattias Ekholm as his accomplice. With a sound Ekholm, Bouchard is a tip top star. Without him he’s a protectively risk. The distinction is remarkable.

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