Breaking News: Manly star forward locks in coaching role with Sea Eagles…..

Masculine have disclosed double cross prevalence player Anthony Watmough as the club’s new Sydney Safeguard mentor.

The Ocean Birds were as of late enlisted into the opposition, which sits as the fourth level association and will take care of into the Ron Massey Cup.

In front of their lady season in the Sydney Safeguard, which will begin in Spring, Masculine have delegated Watmough to the senior training position.

The former second rower for the Sea Eagles and Eels had previously returned to his former club in a minor assisting capacity, but he has since accepted the opportunity to assist in guiding Manly’s talent pathways into the future.

“I didn’t actually contemplate turning into a mentor briefly, to be completely forthright with you. I came in to assist with running the water,” Watmough said in a meeting with the club.
“It kind of started to take off on its own momentum just spending three days a week with this group of players and watching them develop as people and football players.

“With the bond there with the young men, there was a chance for me to take on the training position, so I acknowledged.”

Watmough is set to permit his collaborators to likewise help lead from the sidelines, with the 40-year-old open to perceiving how his most memorable training stretch will unfurl in the Sydney Safeguard.

Watmough said that working in Manly’s pathways program with people like Geoff Toovey, Matt Orford, Brett Stewart, and Jamie Buhrer is an exciting time with challenges.

“There was, in all honesty, a ton of mental sleepiness and feeling just from supposing in the event that I could do training, and what sort of mentor I would be,” Watmough said.

“Yet, I continued to believe assuming I put great individuals around me and every individual plays a part and they control that job, it makes my work much more straightforward to simply ensure that the young men are OK and that everything streams.

“Allow the assault to mentor take care of his business and the let the guarded mentor go about his business. In the event that I see anything that I believe isn’t heading down the method of the path of the group, then we will plunk down and examine the most effective way pushing ahead to ensure our joined objective is being satisfied.

“… Being the principal year, it will require investment to fabricate and we need to check out at it that way. This team is filled with genuine enthusiasm. In addition, it indicates that in 2024, Manly will field ten teams in each grade.”

Watmough was a member of Manly’s 2008 and 2011 premiership teams and appeared in 278 games for the club over a decade.

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